URAP Account Opening Form

About URAP

The Utica Retail Aggregate Plan (URAP) is a privately managed fund created to make financial products and services accessible and affordable to individuals and businesses in Nigeria.

The product will be used to aggregate retail investors who may not be able to invest the minimum amount required for investment opportunities like Private Notes, Commercial Papers, Bonds, tokenized real estate products, digital assets etc.

The objective of the fund is to remove the barriers that exclude people from participating in the financial sector and using these services to improve their lives.

Minimum Amount (NGN): N5,000.00 (Five Thousand Naira)
Minimum Amount (USD): $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars)

Personal Information

Please fill out your personal information and proceed to next step.

Email & Phone Number
Gender & DOB
NIN & Nationality
Bank Account Details
Hear about us
BVN & Passport
Upload your Passport Photograph. Max file size 1MB